We are here for one function, solutions to protect the constitution of the United States Of America. We know a pledge may only be words to some, but they are words that our fathers and mothers and family have fought for, supported the fight for, and have surrendered their lives to defend and protect.

This is not a black or white or race issue. What is happening is the demise of truth as we know it and the United States as an experiment depends on Truth and Justice as the United States of American way of life. Our entire system is based on the truth, not the truth as it is told, but the truth as it is factual. This is what we have pledged to protect. The truth as facts substantiate it. Not the believe of a thing, but the fact of the matter. Here we can say what we think as long as it is factual and truthful. We pledge to uphold facts as they relate to the truth of our existence of United States Americans. United we win, Divided we fight to win Unity.
Here, let the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the facts be our guide to accepting where the truth and facts lead us in discussion and work to find resolutions to our differences as they arise based on our pledge to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. In Gods name we protect.